207 Tompkins Street Syracuse, NY 13204

I'm New


When You Visit
Visiting a new church can be intimidating: What should I wear? Where do my kids go?

We understand the many thoughts that can come from visiting a new church, so we want you to feel completely comfortable when you visit. Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us or talk with an usher when you visit.

When Are Services?
Saturday: 4:00 pm English
Sunday: 9:00 am Ukrainian and English
Sunday: 11:00 am Ukrainian
Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 am

What Should I Wear?
In most Ukrainian Catholic churches, parishioners still dress in their "Sunday best" when attending services. However, business casual is also common. During Summer months, lighter clothing is acceptable as long as it is not revealing.

Where do my Children go?
There is no nursery available in our church. Children sit with their parents or guardians.

I'm not Catholic... is it okay for me to participate in Communion?
We welcome our fellow Christians to this celebration of the Eucharist as our brothers and sisters. However, because Catholics believe that the celebration of the Eucharist is a sign of the oneness of faith, life, and worship, members of those churches with whom we are not yet fully united are ordinarily not admitted to Holy Communion.

For Non-Christians

We also welcome to this celebration those who do not share our faith in Jesus Christ. While we cannot admit them to Holy Communion, we ask them to offer their prayers for the peace and the unity of the human family.

Am I expected to put money in the offering?
We appreciate a donation to help our parish, but no offering is expected. Registered parishioners contribute as a part of their membership.

I have a hearing problem. Is there any special assistance?
We have listening devices for the hearing impaired. Please ask for assistance.